Thursday, June 17, 2010

Divine Divas Inspiration Challenge #29!

Hello!  I know I am extremely late with this challenge, but I love this picture so much, I had to make sure that I got a card made :)  This is from Nostalgia Organic Soaps and Toiletries and here is what I came up with:

As you can see, I focused on the strawberries from the image:)  I used this adorable stamp from the SU set Tart & Tangy and the layout is from this week's Sketch Challenge on SCS.  The dp is October Afternoon Fly A Kite which was perfect for pulling out the blue and the strawberries.  I even put a little blue bird over the sentiment.  That image is from the SU set Season of Friendship and the sentiment is from the PTI Year of Flowers Sweet Peas set. 

I hope you'll get a chance to play along!  Just use the key word DDIC when uploading to an online gallery and don't forget to check out what the other Divas created.  You can find their links on my sidebar.  Thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful evening!

Stamps:  SU Tart & Tangy, Season of Friendship, PTI Year of Flowers Sweet Peas
Paper:  PTI Vintage Cream, Aqua Mist, October Afternoon Fly a Kite DP
Ink:  SU Real Red, Old Olive, Chocolate Chip, PTI Aqua Mist for bird
Accessories:  Martha Stewart Border Punch, Nestabilities Labels One, Old Olive Ribbon, Dimensionals


Crystal said...

Kerri this is GREAT, yummy strawberries....Beautiful girl!

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

This was so worth the wait! What a fabulous version of the DDIC!! Love the colors, the little bird, the berries!! Great job, Kerri!

Lori Rider said...

Kerri, I love it! I'm so glad you posted your card. I thought about that paper - I almost used it but then changed my mind, LOL! I love how you used the sketch and colors. It's all fantastic!

cabio's craft corner said...

That's so cute Kerri!

Julie- justwritedesigns said...

This is just terrific, Kerri! I love the do and those strawberries are perfect. Love the lacy borders, too.

p.s. I think we're on challenge #30, lol.

Elena said...

What a sweet card! Love the yummy paper and strawberries!

Stacy Morgan said...

Yummy! Those strawberries are darling and your paper is perfect. Such a delightful card.

Alyssa S said...

Such a fabulous card! I love your take on the inspiration pic - perfection!!

Michelle said...

For the record: I don't like this whole comment moderation. Sometimes I come by and peek and then come back later and post. And because of this blasted comment moderation thing I can't tell if I posted or not and sometimes I confuse myself!
ANYWAY! - - you really pay attention to these inspiration pictures! You got the shape on there for your 3 strawberries...and of course the colors...and the little birdie...just always such a great reproduction!

Jodi said...

This is a very pretty card! I love your take on the photo challenge!! I also love strawberries!
Jodi =)

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

Wow, what a beautiful card. You really nailed that inspiration photo. Even down to the tiny little bird on your card!!! I LOVE IT!!

Becca said...

This reminds me of childhood memories. I can't place it, like a specific thing, but old dishes from my grandma's cupboard. The colors together. It is like a fuzzy memory, but it makes me smile.

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