Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sweet Birthday

Hello and happy Thursday! This is my submission for the High Hopes Guest Designer Call. When I saw the call on SCS I knew I had to apply, because I REALLY want some of their stamps! I mean, they are just too CUTE! Since I don't have any of their stamps yet, I used this sweet little Whipper Snapper image~Little Girl With Dotted Present. For my dp I used Making Memories Chloe's Closet once again. I just love it! We were supposed to follow this awesome sketch created by the super talented Katharina Frei, which is one I will definitely be using again! Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you who applied as well! Thank you so much for stopping by!



  1. that is too cute! I love the color choices. Awesome!

  2. I think this is adorable!!! I would pick you!! All of your cards are wonderful!!!

  3. You have been B U S Y!
    Good luck on this call - this card is toooo cute and you colored her perfectly!

  4. Kerri, this is a really cute card! Good luck :)

  5. I love these colors - just beautiful!
