Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lots of Inspiration!

Hello!  It's time for another Divine Divas Inspiration Challenge and this gorgeous gift box from The Container Store is our inspiration today:)  I took the challenge quite literally this time and came up with this:

I made a little gift box:)  I was actually going to make a card too, but trying to figure out how to make that tulle bow took me FOREVAH!  It looks just like a net shower sponge doesn't it LOL?  I thought this dp from the Baisic Grey Green at Heart collection looked similar to the wrapping paper.  I didn't have any light pink tulle so I went with this fun hot pink color.  The sentiment is from the Your Next Stamp set Elegant Greetings which I just LOVE!  Make sure you check out what the other Divas created:

It's also time for another Really Reasonable Ribbon Challenge, and this time it's an inspiration challenge as well!  There are actually 3 pictures that you can choose from which you can see HERE on the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog.  I chose this pretty lady in yellow and this is what I came up with:

I was inspired by the colors, the pleated ribbon, and those yoyo flowers, so I pleated a ribbon border using some gorgeous Yellow Stripe Grosgrain and made a yoyo flower using some Swiss Dots Grosgrain Orange.  The layout comes from this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #77.  We hope you'll play along with us for your chance to win a gift certificate to the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  I hope you're feeling inspired:)



  1. What a fab project, Kerri!! I love that tulle bow. After that, no wonder you stopped! WHEW!! Love ly cards with the ribbons too! TFS!

  2. How FUN these are Kerri! LOVE the box and that card is DELISH! Gorgeous colors and I love the stamps you used too!!!

  3. Wowzer Kerri!! I just love that box with the tulle bow!! How clever and stunning!! You aced the inspiration challenge gf! I also love your tall and narrow card!! The colors and design are stunning!!

  4. Love your take on the inspiration, Kerri! That big poufy pink bow is awesome!

  5. What a fun little box! Love that fun pink bow!! Your coloring is fantastic on your little yellow card - love the papers and border punch you paired too!

  6. Gorgeous work for both challenges, Kerri! Your birthday box is stunning - that DP is perfect and so is your amazing bow!

  7. That tulle bow is AMAZING!!! and the yellow card is super cute. I love the design of it and the pleated ribbon at the bottom. I'm always impressed by your take on inspiration photo challenges. You're so creative!! It's raining today again!!! :( Stay dry

  8. Kerri, what a pretty box you created and I love the tulle ribbon you made too!! This card you created from the photo is a wonderful take!! I love the ribbon treatment, it matches her dress well.
    Jodi =)

  9. Gorgeous Projects!!!

  10. Fabulous box, Kerri! I love the big tulle bow and the BG dp. What a wonderful gift it will make.

  11. These projects are so cute Kerri!! Love the bright colors :o)

  12. I like the pretty tulle bow you created!
    And Anya card is so charming! Folded ribbon looks so neat here! Love the ribbon flower too!

  13. It only looks like a bath sponge because you pointed it out to us - LOL That one is in the perfect match and the bath sponge on top! And your little yoyo flower is a perfect matchy to the ones she's got in her bouquet!

  14. Your box is darling and I didn't notice that it looked like a bath sponge...I love a good bath sponge anyway. :) Your card is uber darling! I love the fresh colors and your layout rocks!

  15. Fun and clever ideas for using ribbons!
