Monday, August 23, 2010

All That Scraps Guest Designer Week 4~Back To School!

Hello!  I hope you had a great weekend!  My best friend's husband won 4 tickets to the Jacksonville Jaguars/Miami Dolphins game on Saturday so they invited us to go with them.  We had box seats, and were able to park right in front of the stadium.  It was awesome, and so fun to pretend like we were somebody important for an evening LOL!  My husband is a HUGE Dolphins fan and I mean HUGE so it was a perfect game to go to, plus it was rainy which didn't effect us at all in our air conditioned and covered box:)

It's time for another Monday Spotlight on the All That Scraps Blog which you can see HERE.  Today they are featuring this little back to school caddy I created by using instructions I found HERE.  I used this adorable Teacher Honey image, as well as the notebook and sentiment from the PTI set school time.

I just got home from dropping my daughter off at her first day of Kindergarten:(  I really didn't think I would get emotional because she has gone to preschool the last couple of years, but another mom had to hand me a kleenex on the way out the door!  I cried all the way to the car LOL!  They really do grow up fast.

Here is another project I created using the Amy R. set The Best.  This set comes with several large sentiments like the word friend, and then several smaller sentiments to go with them, like the happy birthday.  I love it!  I used Balloon Emma from the Sugarplums Party set.  Isn't she just adorable?!  I colored the word friend using a tutorial I found on Amy's blog HERE.  I just love the effect!

That's it for me!  Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a wonderful day:) 

Teacher Caddy:
Stamps:  C.C. Designs Teacher Honey, PTI School Time
Paper:  PTI Kraft, Pure Poppy, Cosmo Cricket The Boyfriend
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics, Basic Black~SU, Bashful Blue
Accessories:  Sewing Machine, PTI Pure Poppy Ribbon, Dimensionals, Oval nestabilities
Friend Card:
Stamps: C.C. Designs Amy R. The Best, Sugarplums Party Balloon Emma
Paper:  SU Almost Amethyst, PTI White
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics
Accessories:  SU Scalloped Border Punch, Ribbon,. Dimensionals, Button


  1. WOW!!! What a great project your 'back to school' caddy is!!! GREAT job on this and the image and your coloring is soooo adorable! LOVE it!!! The card is beautiful, too!
    {hugs} Sylvia

  2. These are FANTASTIC Kerri! LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the caddy...that is TOTALLY fab!

  3. Love these projects!!! They are awesome!!! Awww, Kinder kids are at such a cute stage.
    Yesterday I dropped my son off for his first year of hasn't "hit me yet", but I'm sure it will when I go into his room.
    Have a great day!!!

  4. Yeah, I cried when I dropped both you and your sister off at kindergarden! And cried when you graduated from high school. May have cried when you started jr. high, don't remember. And now you've made me a gramma 3x!

    Your card and your box are adorable. Great job. Glad you had fun this weekend.

    Hugs, mom

  5. What a cute box. How fun. I love the birthday card too. TFS.

  6. Kerri, your cards are wonderful. Your little tote is such a great idea. Your coloring is awesome. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  7. Love your B2S project and that card is so cute!

    They do grow up too fast! My eldsest started middle school, seems like yesterday I walked her to kinder! sniff!sniff!

  8. These are so cute! I love your holder!

  9. OMGosh!!! That caddy is the coolest thing EVER!!! Great job Kerri and your coloring is perfect and as always you've chosen the best paper. ATS is so lucky to have you Guest Design for them!!

    Sounds like a really fun weekend, what a fun treat to have box seats!!!

    Hugs over the drop off with the baby girl. I still have a few years before I do that but I'm NOT looking forward to it. :(

  10. Awww...the first day of kindergarten....that was me last year...and probably this year too even though it's a year older - LOL The first day is always a reminder that they're growing up...{sigh}
    This caddy is so cute! Love the Cosmo Cricket're so good and bringing out older stuff and finding the perfect use for it!

  11. Good to know you had a great time watching the game.
    What a wonderful idea on this cute caddy. I must try to make one for mu girl. Also the card is cute. Both images are very sweet, so do your creations Kerri :o)

  12. What a cute creations you've made, wonderful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  13. Kerri, these are so sweet! What a fabulous image to decorate your desk caddy! I love your coloring on her. Beautiful card too! These are the most adorable images! hugs, Angela

  14. WOOOWEEE Kerri these are just FABULOUS!!! LOVE LOVE your back to school caddy!!! AWESOME creations sweetie!

  15. Wow Kerri!! Too cute!! Both of these!! Your caddy is so beautiful and perfect for back to school. The birthday card is so soft and beautiful. Gorgeous coloring! The kids sure do grow up fast. It is sad and exciting at the same time. I love to see them grow and learn to do new things but at the same time I want them to stay small. I hope your dd has a good year at school!

  16. So beautiful card and box Kerri,I love the images and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  17. Oh how stinkin cute! I like the little catty for school, how stinkin cute and creative. Your card is awesome, clean and classy.

  18. Wow! What a fun school project! Love the box created! And what a pretty friend card!
    It is always emotional to see how our kids start something new in their lifes! Wishing your daughter a fun school year!

  19. Oh, these are both so gorgeous! I love the box - gotta get me a Teacher Honey stamp, she's so cute!! Hope your daughter enjoyed her kindergartem, my eldest starts primary school next year... there will be tears!! ♥

  20. Soooooo cute!! Your coloring is fabulous!
