Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ahoy Matey!

Hello and happy Saturday!  I'm so excited to show you my first project for My Cute Stamps!  I couldn't wait to ink up this adorable pirate from the set Pirate Boy~LOVE HIM!!!  We have 3 little boy birthdays within this next week to attend, so I was definitely in need of a boy card:) 

I always find it a little difficult to embellish boy cards, but for this one I used some awesome Jute String from Really Reasonable Ribbon, as well as a button with some Licorice Baker's Twine.  I think they make the perfect accents!  The dp is from the DCWV pack All About Boys. 

Really Reasonable Ribbon also has some FABULOUS Blog Candy up for grabs which you can see HERE!  You won't want to miss your chance to win!  Thank you so much for stopping by and enjoy your weekend!

Stamps:  My Cute Stamps Pirate Boy
Paper:  PTI Pure Black, SU Brocade Blue, DCWV All About Boys dp
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics, SU Bashful Blue for sponging
Accessories:  RRR Jute String and Licorice Baker's Twine, Button, MFT Die-namics Open Scallop Border die, Sewing Machine, Oval Nestabilities, Dimensionals


  1. Adorable image! The twine looks so cute with the pirate - like rope. Great PP choices and colors, not to mention that hat is super cute leaving the oval :>)

  2. This is just darling Kerri!!! Love that dp! its perfect for this little pirate boy!

  3. This is an awesome card for a little boy. I love that image and the jute string is a perfect accent!

  4. OMG!! Kerri, this is just too too cute my friend!! I love your coloring on this image and how you've popped out some of the elements in the design! Lovely work!! Enjoy the weekend friend!!HUGS

  5. Um, when I grow up, I want to stamp like you! I just had to come see more of your amazing projects. Your cards are AMAZING!!!

  6. Wonderful card Kerri! The image is so cute.
    Hugs Jacqueline

  7. What a gorgeous card Kerri,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  8. SHUT up! This is the CUTEST Kerri!! LOVE him!!

  9. O Pincel Pessoa, apresenta uma venda exclusiva e única para este NATAL:

    Old Man - 17€

    The Unforgetable Wife - 17€

    Let me be your instrument - 20€

    Tela Deco - 20€

    A partir de fotografia:

    Retrato carvão A4 – 15€
    Retrato carvão A3 (2 imagens) - 18€

  10. O Pincel Pessoa, apresenta uma venda exclusiva e única para este NATAL:

    Old Man - 17€

    The Unforgetable Wife - 17€

    Let me be your instrument - 20€

    Tela Deco - 20€

    A partir de fotografia:

    Retrato carvão A4 – 15€
    Retrato carvão A3 (2 imagens) - 18€

  11. Kerri this is the CUTEST! I LOVE that pirate!!! Such a FUN boy card!
    Happy Holidays!
    Have a GREAT day!

  12. He's a cutie - looks like these stamps are right up your alley. I love the twine too - - reminds me of the rope that they tie in to knots on boats!

  13. Hello Kerri,
    I saw your card on Really Reasonable Ribbons Blog and fell in love with it! I love the contrast and all of your amazing detailing...totally awesome!
    Congratulations on making My Cute Stamps DT, your cards are amazing!

  14. This is so stinkin' cute! I love little boy pirate stuff! The jute and licorice twine are just perfect for this card!
