Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Boy

Hello!  I am soooo glad it's the weekend!  This week has been really busy, and I'm ready to relax and get my craft on:)  This is the card I have posted on the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog today.  A friend of mine asked me to make her a baby boy card, so I pulled out this adorable image from The Greeting Farm set Oh Baby.  I used the last of my Brown Wrinkled Ribbon on this card *sniff* so I definitely need to order more!  I also used some fab White Jute String to tie my button to my bow.  The layout is this week's Mojo Monday #174 and the dp is My Mind's Eye Fine & Dandy True Blue. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your Saturday!

Stamps:  The Greeting Farm Oh Baby
Paper:  PTI Summer Sunrise, Dark Chocolate, My Mind's Eye Fine & Dandy True Blue
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics
Accessories:  Circle and Lacey Circle Nestabilities, Buttons, RRR Brown Wrinkled Ribbon, White Jute String, Sewing Machine, Dimensionals


  1. Kerri, this is really precious hun!! I'm loving the coloring and your take on the sketch is just wonderful!! ;) Have a great weekend hun!!HUGS

  2. Your card is so cute Kerri, wonderful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  3. Oh my word KERRI this is just TOOOOOOO CUTE!! LOVE this little dude and this paper is FABULOUS for him!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE!! hope you are having a GREAT weekend!

  4. So, so cute. Love the colors and the image.

  5. This is so cute! I wish I was brave enough to machine stitch in a circle. I certainly would stitch my hand to the project or something! I LOVE that Fine and Dandy collection by MME.

  6. So gorgeous card Kerri,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  7. Love the colors! This a fabulous card!

  8. I'm glad you don't sell baby cards in colorado...yyou'd put me out of business! This is absolutely darling! Love, love, LOVE it!!

  9. Awww. This is precious!! How do you sew in such a perfect circle?!?!? One day you're going to have to give me sewing lessons!! LOL
