Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your Next Stamp Challenge #40~Texturize It!

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Click HERE to enter my Blog Candy!

Hello!  It's time for a new challenge at Your Next Stamp, and this time we want to see you add some Texture to your projects! 

For my card I used one of my very favorite images, Birthday Surprise Fhiona.  Isn't she just so stinkin' CUTE!  I added some stitching, lace, and made some pinwheels with brad centers which gave the card some texture.  The dp is Cosmo Cricket Togetherness.  Well, you're probably wondering what the prize is for this challenge.  How about this cutie which I have used a lot:

Football Dude!  One random participant will win this stamp set.  If you use a YNS image on your project, you will be entered TWICE!  You will also be eligible for the Top Pick prize which is $5.00 in YNS bucks and the Top Pick Blinkie.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.  Make sure you enter my Blog Candy!  I have an adorable YNS image in the pot~Flower Bouquet Fhiona (thank you, Karen!!!) along with several other stamps, some dp, buttons, and some fab ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon!  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Stamps:  Your Next Stamp Birthday Surprise Fhiona
Paper:  SU, Cosmo Cricket Togetherness
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics, SU Baja Breeze
Accessories:  Brads, Sewing Machine, Rectangle Nestabilities, Lace from Really Reasonable Ribbon, Dimensionals, Martha Stewart Grass Border Punch


  1. AWW!! Kerri, this is so sweet hun!! Beautiful coloring and a fabulous layout!! Smiles, Vicki

  2. Absolutely LOVE this gorgeous card! I am wondering how you made the tiny pinwheels that could pass as flowers. Did you use a die? And your BG paper even has pinwheels in it!

  3. You are right Kerri. She is si stinkin cute. Love the DP and the fun textures o this sweet card :o)

  4. ACK! total cuteness!! Love the pinwheels!

  5. She is so cute and your card is so cheerful. I like your pinwheels.

  6. Oh I just love those pinwheels, such an adorable card Kerri. I'm hoping things are well with you and your kiddos. I'm looking forward to the pace of things slowing down a bit so I don't have to miss my visits for so long!! :)

    Wish I could comment on all that I've missed but I've been reading your blog and looking at all of your projects this afternoon. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet little doggy Hannah.

  7. Oh Kerri!! This is gorgeous! I just love your colors and design!! The pinwheels is such a fun and beautiful touch!! Stunning coloring too!! You are uber talented girl!

  8. Kerri OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE LOVE these colors, these papers and look at your pinwheels...girl thsi is over the top WONDERFUL!!!!!

  9. These little girls that you color are just so do the bestest job with them....they are your trademark....really really great coloring. And I love your pinwheels there too. So fun....

  10. Kerri I don't think this card couldn't be any cuter those pin wheels are awesome!

  11. This is just adorable girl!!! I LOVE the pin wheels, such a fun touch!

  12. What a sweet card Cindy, wonderful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  13. Totally perfect in every way! LOVE these papers with her and, of course, your coloring ROCKS!!!

  14. Another sweetie! This paper is still one of my faves :>) Did you make the pinwheels or use a die?

  15. Love it! I have got to try those super simple pinwheels!
