Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Big Announcement, Blog Candy Winner, and a Card!!!

Ok, so today is the day that I FINALLY get to announce that I am a member of the DIRTY DOZEN on Splitcoaststampers!!!  ACK!!!  I am soooooo very excited, and this is such a HUGE honor!!!  Now you know why I have been MIA, and you can see all of the projects I've been working on HERE if you are a member of the SCS Fan Club!  This month's theme is a really fun one, and I hope you'll get a chance to play along!

Ok, now onto the winner of the Blog Candy!  Per the winner is:


Congratulations, girl!  Please email me your info, and I will get these goodies out to you!  You can find the link to my e-mail at the top of my blog on the right hand side:)

Finally, I have a card to share!  I haven't posted in several days because I was finishing up my DD projects, but yesterday I had a little time to play:)  I just got some new paper in the mail from All That Scraps and couldn't wait to break it open!  Have you seen the My Mind's Eye Lime Twist Collections?  Oh my goodness I LOVE them all!!!  For this one I used Life of the Party along with this cutie Cupcake Birgitta.  The layout is this week's The Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge #108.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and sharing my good news with me!  Have a wonderful Sunday!

Stamps:  C.C. Designs Cupake Birgitta
Paper:  PTI Dark Chocolate, My Mind's Eye Lime Twist Life of the Party
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics, PTI Aqua Mist
Accessories:  PTI Pure Poppy Ribbon, Sewing Machine, Rectangle Nestabilities, Stardust Stickles, Dimensionals


  1. Congrats!! How wonderful!! I'll have to check out what you've been busy creating!
    Super cute card, just so adorable!

  2. tOTALLY cute!
    Oh My GOODNESS... I am THRILLED to finally see you in the DD pile Kerri! What a fabulous honor and totally excited for you! When I get home I am going to spend sometime in the DD to see what you did! I am really thrilled to see you there girlie... seriously AWESOME!

  3. CONGRATS Kerri!!! You totally deserve this and I know you will have so much FUN!!!

  4. Congratulations on being in the DD how fantastic and exciting for you! Your card is truly darling!

  5. Congrats!! You must be so excited! I just know you will enjoy yourself and others will LOVE your creative style! Hugs!

  6. WOW!! How exciting for you...congratulations.You will be a wonderful asset to them.
    This card is just so sweet. I love the cupcake papers and cute image, coloured perfectly.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Congratulations on your wonderful and well-deserved news.
    Your card is gorgeous, as always!
    Hugs, Clare x

  8. Oh my goodness. How very exciting. I am so excited for you. So very deserved I must say. This card is a great example of why you are there. Cute, cute, cute!

  9. Congrat's Kerri!! I'm do happy for you. I'll be following your work. ;D

  10. Congrats hun! You totally deserve it, your creations are fab, today's card included. ;) Have a great day! Hugs!

  11. Congratulations Kerri, great news. Reanta congratulations too with the beautiful candy. And last but least your card is super cute and so wonderful Kerri, great job!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  12. KERRI!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! A well deserved honor, my friend!! I haven't been on Splitcoast this weekend....headed there now!!! Congratulations!!!

  13. Beautiful card Kerri,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  14. This is fantastic Kerri what an honor for both sides! wahoo!

  15. Congrats Kerri! They are so lucky to have you "Dirty Girl"!
    See ya around on SCS! :)

    True :D

  16. Congratulations Kerri! Enjoy your time in the Dirt Pile! It goes by really fast!! And congrats to your winner!!


  17. Congrats to the winner. The card is simply adorable. thanks so much for sharing
    krazykcrafters at msn dot com

  18. I am sooo very excited for you!! I think you are a fabulous stamper and very deserving of the Dirty honor! I havent had alot of time to comment but I always visit your blog for a little eye candy during the week!LOL!! Only 7 more school days left and I can get back to my stamp desk again.

  19. WOOOOHOOOO Kerri such exciting news girl!!!! You are a rock star and sooo deserving of this sweetie!!!! You are sooo uber talented!!! Congrats GF!!!!!!! Your card is absolutely precious, LOVE your new paper!!!!! Have a great night!!!

  20. That's awesome, congrats!!!! :D

  21. fantastic and so well deserved! your work is great!

  22. Congratulations! And I love anything MME! The new Lime line is terrific! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  23. Amazing news Kerri! Congratulations! They are lucky to have you!

    What a beautiful card you've made for today. Your coloring looks lovely and those are some yummy papers. Have a great day today! hugs, Angela

  24. Cute card and congrats to you and your winner!!!! :-)

  25. Congratulations hun! Awesome news! Also your card is super CUTE!!!

  26. WOOHOO!!! i just screamed to my husband, "Kerri's in the Dirty Dozen!!!" He looked at me like I've lost my marbles. lol
    Huge congratulations little lady! You soooooooo deserve this! I just may have to join the fan club to see all your wonderful goodies! ;o)

    Beautiful and bright card! Love that paper. Fabby work, once again!

  27. BIG CONGRATS Kerri! I couldn't think of anyone more deserving than you, your work ROCKS!


  28. SHUT the front door!!! Kerri, I am SO happy for you! You are SO talented and SO deserving!!! WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!
    Enjoy every flies by! Congrats again girlie!

  29. Woo hoo!! Congrats girlie!! You are so deserving girlfriend!! Can't wait to see all your dd creations!! Your card is always.

  30. This is brautiful Kerri! Congrats to you, you deserve it!

  31. Congratulations! Loving that cute creation too, with her adorable balancing cupcakes :)

  32. Congratulations!!! What an honor and you truly deserve it :>) Cute card too, that paper is definitely yummy and just perfect paired up with that image!

  33. Cute card! Congrats on the DD!! Thanks for joining us this week at The Sweet Stop!

  34. Kerri, your card is so fantastic! Thanks for joining us at The Sweet Stop this week. We are honored to have you play along!

    And a HUGE congrats to you on the DD gig :)! That is so fabulous and very well-deserved :)!!

  35. Congratulations on the split coast stampers! Really beautiful card - thanks for sharing! x

  36. Congratulations, Kerri! They're lucky to have you on their team!

    Congrats to Renata for winning the giveaway too!


  37. HURRA!!!!!
    It thanks all very

  38. Kerri, I am so excited for you and you are totally deserve that with all your amazing creations. Congratulations :-)

  39.! Congrats you dirty girl! You totally deserve it! I've been sick and ignoring my google reader or I would have congratulated you days ago. They are lucky to snag you!

    Your card is fabulous!

  40. Oh my gosh!! This is just waaay too stinkin' CUTE!! Love the image and your fabulous coloring hun!! Thanks for sharing! Smiles, *Vicki*

  41. OMGOSH!!! Squealing with excitement for you!! Congrats Kerri...well deserved girlfriend.

    I'm sorry I could have sworn I had already left a comment...blogger must have ate it.
