Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm Back, Pictures, and A Sale!

Hello!  Well we are back from our vacation and we had a WONDERFUL time!  It is so gorgeous up there and we did lots of hiking to the most beautiful destinations like this amazing waterfall~LOVE!!!  I have posted lots of pictures on my Facebook Page, so if you are interested you can go take a look!  If you are not my friend, just send me a request and let me know you are a card making buddy:) 

I've been busy trying to catch up since we got home on Sunday night, and one of the things I've been doing is making some projects for one of my favorite companies that I'm Guest Designing for in July!  I'm so excited and I'll be able to share my first project on Friday!  Any guesses as to who it might be for???

Finally, Your Next Stamp is having a 3 day sale in honor of the end of the Canadian postal strike~YAY!  Everything is on sale and there is no code required, so head over to the YNS Store and grab a bargain!  Sale ends Friday July 1st:)

I'm off to work on a few more projects, then hopefully I'll be able to sit down and relax and visit all of your beautiful blogs!  I've missed you guys!  Thanks for stopping by:)



  1. Beautiful pic! I thought we were friends on FB but apparently not. I sent you a request. I have no clue who you are guest designing for and hooray for you! Can't wait to see!

  2. I'm glad you had a great time! Can't wait to see what you made! :)

  3. So glad you had a fab vacation!
