Sunday, September 25, 2011

Final PWCO Post and Surgery Tomorrow

Hello!  It's time for another Anything But A Card Sunday!  My daughter has another gymnastics meet today against some really tough teams, so I thought it would be fun to give her a little gift after she competes today:)  She LOVES all things stuffed animals, so I picked up a cute koala beanie baby and made a little tag using Zoe the Gymnast from the Zach and Zoe Collection.  Avery won't care a thing about the tag once she sees the animal LOL! 

This is my last post for PWCO.  I've decided to step down from the DT.  I've had a lot of fun with these adorable images over the last 9 months, and wish Peggy and the rest of the DT nothing but the best!

So tomorrow I'm having my Thyroidectomy!  I'm a little nervous because I've never had surgery before, but I have faith that everything will go smoothly.  I'm not sure how long I'll be out of commission~hopefully only a few days~but if my blog is quiet that is why:)  Say a little prayer for me if you get a chance!

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful rest of your Sunday!

Stamps:  PWCO Zoe the Gymnast
Paper:  PTI True Black, White
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics, SU Pretty in Pink
Accessories:  PTI Tag Sale #3, Circle Nestabilities, CB Seeing Spots EF, Ribbon, Foam Squares, Baker's Twine


  1. Just darling, Kerri! Love the sweet tag and the stuffed koala is the cutest peeking out of the bag!

    Good luck tomorrow! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. hugs to you!

  2. Oh, my thoughts will be with you tomorrow, i'll send a special prayer for you. Super cute tag, love the image...tfs

  3. Hi Kerri,
    This is super cute!
    Hope you are well and that your surgery goes well tomorrow.
    Lana x

  4. May God be with you tomorrow, along with your doctors and other medical staff is my prayer.

    Absolutely adorable tag. And I sneaked a peek at your Christmas cards posted earlier. Love, love, love that die!

    Be well!

  5. Wishing you good health with your surgery! Your tag is super cute.


  6. Best wishes for a quick recovery! Your tag is just adorable! I hope you daughter did fantastic-she will love the koala bear and that mom thought to give her a gift no matter what!

  7. Cute tag, so wonderful. I like the image very much!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  8. What an adorable gift that I'm sure your daughter will love! What a cute image! You will certainly be in my prayers for a speedy recovery from your surgery!

  9. How thoughtful to give your daughter this adorable gift w/tag! No matter the outcome of the meet, she will be smiling at this gift! Have been thinking and praying for you...hope you're not in pain and hope you have a speedy recuperation!

  10. This is just darling! I hope you recover quickly!

  11. So sorry to hear about your surgery Kerri. I hope everything is well and you have a speedy recovery!! You will be in my thoughts for sure :o)

  12. Aww, what a sweet tag...I'm sure your daughter loved the koala AND the tag. :)
