Monday, October 24, 2011

Your Next Stamp 14 Day Holiday Release!

Hello! Hopefully you all know about the Your Next Stamp 14 Day Holiday Release going on right now. No? Well we're on day 4 and you can read all about it on the Your Next Stamp Blog HERE! New images are being released every day, and there are lots of prizes to be won! I'll have some projects to show you later this week (hopefully) the mailman just doesn't seem to want to bring me my stamps :(

We had another BUSY weekend!  My daughter had  soccer game on Saturday which they won.  The Nitro are now 3-0 WooHoo!  We also had soccer pictures, a birthday party and a gymnastics meet!  Avery won first place all around for her age group again which was awesome!!!  She got her highest scores on bars and floor to date:)  Here's a pic:

I'm off to stamp a little bit.  Enjoy the rest of your Monday!



  1. Congrats to your daughter! Sounds like gymnastics and soccer are her thing! Poor Jeff! He really got hung out to dry on Sunday and I was VERY upset at Trevor Bayne's decision to go against his commitment to pair up with Jeff! I really think they could have won 1st and 2nd had they stayed together! Bayne will regret that decision one day.

  2. Kerri this is wonderful. I know you are so proud of her!
