Sunday, November 27, 2011

Birthday Josh, My Trip to the ER, and Kraftin' Kimmie News!

Hello!  I'm just getting this in under the wire for the current Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps Challenge #68~Team Oliver vs Team Josh!  I've been dying to play along, because not only am I a huge Twilight fan, but Josh is my favorite SCRS character!  No offense to Oliver, because he is a total cutie too :)  I used Birthday Josh for my card, along with some Echo Park Paper Co. Season's Greetings and some My Mind's Eye Life of the Party dp.  The sentiment comes from the PTI set Butterfly Dreams. 

So I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family, and my best friend and I were out Black Friday shopping all night long!  I left the house at 9:40 pm Thanksgiving night and returned home at 7:30 am Friday morning.  Boy was I POOPED, but I got some great deals:)  Friday I slept for half of the day, and then got up and helped my hubby get our Christmas decorations up. 

Yesterday was my little one's 4th birthday, so my parents came down and we had plans to take him to lunch and to a movie.  I woke up yesterday feeling a little wierd.  I had some lower abdominal pain, and was feeling a little like I might have a UTI.  I didn't think too much of it, but as I was getting ready I started feeling worse and worse.  I didn't want to ruin my little man's birthday so I was hoping it would pass. 

We all piled into the car to head for lunch and I could not get comfortable.  The pain had spread to my right kidney and I was sweating and feeling nauseous.  My mom said you'd better stop at the urgent care clinic, so we did and as we were waiting the pain got REALLY BAD!  They checked my urine which was positive for blood but nothing else.  The doctor said, you'd better go to the ER.  I was on the verge of tears all the way to the hospital and I could not stop moving and changing positions in the car.  I was so nauseous and in so much pain!  I knew at this point it had to be a kidney stone. 

There was a huge wait at the ER so we waited for about 30 minutes until somebody called me up to ask what was going on.  I was in so much pain I couldn't even sit down, I was just pacing and moaning.  My blood pressure was 168/92 so they decided to move me ahead of a few people and take me back.  I wasn't in the back for 5 minutes when suddenly the pain subsided!  Thank goodness because it took an hour for them to get me into the CT scan and 30 more minutes after that for the doctor to come talk to me.  It was a kidney stone, and it had made it's way down my ureter and was almost to my bladder which meant that the pain should be over.  I didn't have any more stones in my kidneys THANK GOODNESS!  I don't ever want to go through that again, because it was worse than labor and I've had 2 natural deliveries!!! 

Today I feel pretty normal:)  Well, if you read all that, thanks for hanging in.  I just wanted to share my big adventure.  We did get out of the ER in time to hit a later show with the birthday boy, and next weekend we're taking the kids to Legoland since he didn't have an official party this year. 

Onto some Kraftin' Kimmie News!  I'm a little late getting this posted but it's been a pretty crazy few days!

Kraftin Kimmie is thrilled to be featured with a full page in the Winter Issue of Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine and Kimmie has a HUGE Giveaway which you can read about HERE!

Also, virtually EVERYTHING is on SALE 25-75% OFF at the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Shop!! That's right!!! This is the BIGGEST sale they've ever had and aren't likely to repeat it anytime soon!! So take advantage while you can!!  I sure did!  Sale ends tomorrow!!!

Ok, I promise I'm done.  Thanks for stopping by!



  1. OMGoodness, Kerri...what a way to finish up a holiday...NOT!!! So sorry to hear about your kidney stone! Have never dealt with one but have witnessed what the pain can do to people. Love your Josh image on this card...he is just too adorable!

  2. You poor thing, what a way to see a holiday least it has passed, and you can enjoy your legoland trip.

    Fabulous card, lovely colouring, a real cutie.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Ok first of all your card is amazing and your colouring is fantastic. Second of all WOW girl that is some shopping you must had gotten done wow, I wish they did that here. And omgosh you poor thing, it all sounds extremely painful you poor girl but so glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Hugs xx

  4. What an adventure - it sounds like one busy weekend, glad you were able to rebound so fast!
    Fun card - that image is perfect, sorta little rascal like and your coloring is spot on!!!

  5. Adorable card, Kerri! So glad you're doing better and you didn't have to wait on the hospital to ease your pain!

  6. What a gorgeous card Kerri.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  7. Glad to hear you're doing better! Your card is just darling!

  8. I'm glad your better know Kerri, what awfull time for you!
    Your card is so pretty and wonderful!
    Hugs Jacqueline

  9. K, I have a few things to say...
    LOVE this card! It's so darling!

    So sorry to hear about the kidney stone. My dad and brother deal with those and are horrible pain!! Glad your ordeal is over with and that you were still able to celebrate your little man's birthday!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited for you!! Not only did you get a guest DT spot with Kraftin' Kimmie, you are now a Tickled Pink girl!!! Yay!! Now I see a future KKS spot for you... ;o) Huge congrats, little lady!

  10. Whoopsie daisy! I meant a future permanent spot with KKS!

  11. What a GORGEOUS card my friend! Your coloring is AMAZING!!! SO sorry to hear that you were in such pain! I've heard that they are worse than labor! You poor thing! HUGS!

  12. First off I love this card. Fabulous colors. Second, you poor thing. I have never passed a kidney stone and have always heard it's the worse pain ever. Hope you NEVER have another one.


  13. Sounds painful - glad you're feeling better. Lovely card! x
