Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Color Throwdown #191

Hello!  Are you ready for a new Color Throwdown?  Our hostess this week is the amazingly talented Lynn Put!  I adore this picture she chose, and this is what I came up with:

I haven't inked up my Swiss Pixies in a while, so I decided to use this adorable gal - Cupcake Birgitta.  The dp is My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Two Breeze, and the layout is this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch #158.

We hope you'll play along with us!  Just link your creations to the Color Throwdown Blog HERE, and check out the rest of the fabulous DT creations while you're there!

Before I go, I want to share a picture of our newest family member:

Meet Pepper the hamster!  Isn't she/he (whatever!) CUTE!  My daughter has sworn to take care of this little gal, so we'll see how it goes.  So far she is super sweet and not skiddish, and I think I've had as much fun with her as the kids have.  

I'll be back tomorrow with a preview from Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps!  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Stamps:  C. C. Designs Swiss Pixies Cupcake Birgitta, PTI Floral Fusion
Paper:  PTI White, SU Pacific Point, My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Two Breeze
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics
Accessories:  PTI Ribbon, Sewing Machine, Foam Squares, Circle and Lacey Circle Nestabilities, Button, Twine, CB D'vine Swirls EF


  1. Wonderful card Kerri, I love the beautiful colours! And what a cute hamster, so lovely.
    Hugs Jacqueline

  2. Absolutely gorgeous card Kerri! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Love your card, Kerri! What a great use of all the colors! Great layout, too! Pepper is adorable!

  5. So beautiful card Kerri,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  6. Love your card. Great papers and colors and your coloring is great. Pepper is an adorable critter.

  7. What an adorable card Kerri! Your coloring is incredible on this cute image and I love your mix of designer papers!

  8. Gorgeous card!! Such pretty colors!
    Have fun with the least you only got one, we had two but we won't go into what happened to them..LOL!!

  9. Totally cute card, these colors are awesome. As for the fur baby.... not sure if cute is what I would say. more like EEK.... ha

  10. Love this sweet cupcake juggler...your coloring is fabulous! Pepper is adorable though I'll have to admit, hamsters remind me too much of mice - lol! They are very entertaining to watch and I know your kids will enjoy him (or her). :-)

  11. What a darling image, your gorgeous coloring and the awesome sketch!!!! Little pepper is just as cute as she can fun!!!

  12. Such beautiful coloring on the adorable little girl with all her cupcakes! Your new family member Pepper is just as precious!

  13. Great coloring and layout, Kerri! Love the mix of patterned papers, too.
