Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dude Happy Birthday!

Hello and happy Thursday!  I'm in a good mood today because we just found out that we will be closing on our new house next Wednesday!!!  YAY!  I am so ready and really want to get moved before school starts.

I have a card to share with you today that I made using some Taylored Expressions goodies:)  I LOVE the Ride the Wave stamp set.  It's so perfect for making masculine cards, and so very cool!  I stamped the image onto some Fancy Pants Designs Down by the Shore dp, and added the waves using the Ride the Wave Border Die.  The "Enjoy" sentiment comes from the Coconut Cove stamp set.  

Here are a couple of pictures of my kiddos that I took while we were on vacation last week.  We had a blast hiking in the Smoky mountains and tubing on the river:)  We even got all of our school shopping done~YAY! 

Avery and Carson


My daughter took this one after our 5 mile hike to Abrams Falls.  Don't mind the sweat spots LOL!

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a great day!

Stamps:  Taylored Expressions Ride the Wave and Coconut Cove
Paper:  Kraft, Blue cs, Fancy Pants Designs Down by the Shore
Ink:  Color Box Black Licorice, SU Sahara Sand and More Mustard
Accessories:  Taylored Expressions Ride the Wave Border die, Tim Holtz Distressing Tool


  1. Yay for your closing! That's awesome news. I love all of the pictures, too. It looks like you guys had a great time.

  2. Love the card! Congrats on the closing!
