Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SPD Challenge #13-Shaker Cards!

Hello! I wanted to share a sweet card that I made for the new challenge at SugarPea Designs which is Shaker Cards! I used this darling fairy from the set Fairy Sweet. I stamped her with Memento Tuxedo Black and colored with Copics. I made my shaker using Oval Nestabilities and added some sequins to the inside. I used a star die from the Gift Tag Sugar Cuts Die set for the pink stars and added some Stardust Stickles for some sparkle! The dp is My Mind's Eye Miss Caroline Fiddlesticks.
We hope you'll play along with us for your chance to win up to a $15 gift certificate to the SugarPea Designs Online Boutique! Just check out how you can play on the SugarPea Designs Blog!
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Super cutie patootie Kerri. So happy, I just want to shake it. Love her.

  2. Kerri, your colouring of her is amazing! I love your card!
