Friday, December 4, 2009

It's My Blogiversary!!!

This post will remain on top until December 20th.  Please see below for new posts : )

Exactly 1 year ago today was my very first blog post!  I have had sooo much fun this year meeting other fabulous crafters, learning new techniques, and getting inspiration from all of you!!!  I also feel like I've made some really great blogging friends : )  As a result, I want to thank my awesome followers by offering up some BLOG CANDY!  What do you have to do to win?

1) Be a Follower
2) Put this picture on your blog
3) Link the picture back to my blog
4) Leave a comment on this post!

What can you win?
1) SU Teeny Tiny Wishes Stamp set~$36.95
2) Papertrey Ink Life Stamp set~$15.00
3) Your Next Stamp Happy Birthday Mermaid Stamp Set~$15.95
4) Sugar Nellie Manga Girl #1 Stamp~$7.85
5) Artful INKables Autumn's Flowers Stamp Set~$9.00
6) Papertrey Ink Vintage Buttons Holiday Mix~$6.00
7) Papertrey Ink Rustic Cream Twine~$5.00
8) Papertrey Ink Large Hinged Tins set of 3~$4.00

Total value $99.75!!!

I will keep this candy open until December 20th which is my birthday, so you have exactly 4 weeks to enter!!!  Thank you for stopping by today : )



1 – 200 of 224   Newer›   Newest»
Jacqueline (Sjakkie) said...

Wow, Kerri what a beautiful candy, really super!
I link your candy on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hugs Jacqueline

Cheryl said...

Happy Blogiversary! I posted your picture and link to this post on my blog.

Lynne Phelps said...

Congrats on the Blogiversary! I posted about it and put the picture on my blog, and I'm a follower! Pick me! Pick me!!

Do What You Love said...

Happy anniversary Kerri. I'm a fan of your cards; always peeking from the sideline. Now, I'm a follower. What better way to keep up. Lovely candy and so nice of you to share with all of us! I've a pic on my blog (Crafter's Delight:

Rachael said...

Happy anniversary, Kerri! I'm a follower of your blog - I LOVE your cards! I've had your blog in my blog reader for awhile. I posted a pic of your yummy candy on my blog, too! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I enjoy looking at your blog everyday for creative ideas. Thanks.

Karen (Your Next Stamp) said...

Happy Blogiversary Kerri! I'm so proud of you and everything you do for YNS!!! I'm sure your lucky winner will use all these great prizes along with all your amazing inspiration to make some stunning creations!

Elena said...

Happy Blogaversary, Kerri! You are an incredibly talented crafter! And I always admired your art!
Thank you so much for the great give away!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Great giveaway!

cabio's craft corner said...

Congratulations Kerri and happy blogiversary. I am sure lots of your followers are appreciated your talents and got lots of inspirations from your wonderful creations.

Jenny said...

Hi Kerri,
Happy Blogaversary! I just love your cards!!! Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies!


Cheryl said...

Woo-hoo! Congratulations Kerri on your 1-year-Bloggaversary!

Very cool Blog-Candy, and I am just pleased-as-punch that I found your blog, I am always so inspired!

Oh, a follower, and I put up a pic and link to your candy : )

Tineke van der Linden said...

Congrats on 1e Blogiversary! I'm a follower of your blog and link your candy on my blog.
It's a beautiful candy!!!

Groetjes, Tineke

Penny said...

What a generous candy@!!! Thanks for this chance to win! I've posted a link in my sidebar here and I'm your newest follower :)

Leah l'Orange said...

hi Kerri! thanks for the chance to win such yummy stuff! found you through the YNS yahoo group, and had to follow, as i love all the starlets! have linked you up in my sidebar HERE and my fingers are crossed! :)

happy blogaversary!

p.s. - i'm giving away candy at The Chronicles of Orange as well - but hurry, it ends tonight! :D

Allison said...

Happy Blogaversary!! I have posted your picture and link on my blog. Please visit me at Thanks for the chance to win!

fairie said...

thanks for the chance to win the yummies!! Happy Blogaversay! The blog is very easy to navigate. Love it.

Became a follower and added the candy on my sidebar.

Unknown said...

Hi Keri,

I don't have a blog, so I can't link, but great blog candy, wish I could.

I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday, December 20th was my moms birthday. So have a Happy Happy Day with many, many more to come

Sharon K

Michelle said...

I'm a non-conformist, so I can't win because I'm not gonna play along...but congrats for sure on your blogiversary! I remember your first post...and I was your first poster - LOL I loved that little set you made for that baby shower.

Rachael said...

Happy blog-versary! Your cards are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

How exciting to have had your blog for a year- think of how many people you have motivated and challenged! Thanks for all your great ideas and cards. I appreciate all you do!

nasuha ahmad helmi said...

hi kerri. happy blogversary!! i have been browsing all your works and they're amazing. i would like to say thank you for the chance to win this amazing candy! i have become your follower and will this candy at my blog. thanks again! =)
hugs nasuha.

Yuliya said...

Congrats! I have done as instructed. Many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Raquel said...

Congrats!! Happy Blogaversary!! Your blog is wonderful, I check it everyday. You are sooo inspirational. Thanks for everythings, including the chance to win.

madcapfrenzy said...

Happy Blogiversary! It is always so fun to see your wonderful creations! Thanks for a chance!
-a avid follower, Morgaine

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Kerri! Brand new follower here =) Congrats on the blogiversary (I wish I had found your blog sooner lol). I've added a link in my side bar. Keep up the fantastic work on the projects and thanks!!!

Doina said...

Happy Blogiversary! Great giveaway! Thanks for a chance!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie!! Just got to this as I'm catching up in reader!! LOL!! I already follow you, I'll place this on my sidebar hun!! Thanks for the chance at this delicious candy!! HUGS

Kleine85 said...

Hi Kerry,

what a fab candy.

I became a follower and I linked your candy on my sidebar!



Ruthie said...

Kerri - this is fab - thanks for the chance to win and huge congrats on your celebrations!


Катенька said...

Congrats on the Blogiversary!
Wow awesome candy!! Thanks for the chance to win! linked you in my


Unknown said...

Congratulation with 1 year blogging.
Wish you a many wonderful ideas.
Candy so nice.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm linked candy in sidebar

Jenny V. said...

Happy Blogiversary Kerri.I'm now a follower. Your creations are fantastic. Awesome candy and you are so generous to share your goodies with us. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jenny V.

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary! I(ve become a follower and put a link in my sidebar . I hope you'll have a wonderfull birthday with great people around you and of course lots of great presents! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

ChinaCatSunflower said...

Happy anniversary!!!!!
Amazing candy!!!!
My link is

Holly said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance for some awesome candy! Your cards are gorgeous! You are linked and I am a follower.

JoAnn said...

Keri, Could you please E-mail me, I'm having problems linking back to your blog. If you could help out a newbie I would love it.
God Bless, JoAnn

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! What's a candy! I've made a post about it in my blog:
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!


zolushka said...

Many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

JAN said...

super fab candy Kerri thanks for the chance to win i have linked your candy on my blog sidebar
please enter me in the draw
artbyjan at googlemail dot com

Aladori said...

Hi, Kerri! I'm your new follower :) You have a nice works in your blog :) And I have a link to your amazig giveaway on the sidebar in my blog :)
I want to be a lucky winner :)))))

Denimo said...

Hi Kerri. I just ran across your blog and I just LOVE it! You do wonderful work. I'll be visiting you often. :)

Great candy too. I'd be tickled to win!! THANKS!

Ellen said...

Hi Kerri, thanks for the chance to win this super fantastic Blog Candy.
I've become a follower of your blog and put a link to your blog in my side bar. Love your blog!


Sassy Scrapper said...

Hi Kerri CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary. I bet is doesnt seem like a whole year. Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome candy.

Jacey's Mom said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy.

Kedai kami said...

thank you so much for this chance to win blog candy..hopefully it will be mine

Shaz said...

Congratulations on you Blog-aversary! I thought I was a follower of your blog....hmmmm. Well I am now Great giveaway. And here's to many more years of creative FUN! **Cheers**

Belyona said...

Thank you for your candy and a chance to win! :)
My link is on a left sidebar

Welcome to my blog! :)

Charlene said...

Hi Kerri! I posted your candy on my sidebar in my candybox HERE. I'm also a follower! Great candy with some wonderful stamps I would totally cherish!! :D

Unknown said...

Hi Kerri! I posted your picture and link to this post on my blog.

Marie Kristl Flid said...

what a great candy! thank you!

Julia Gri ( ulisa) said...

Happy Blogaversary, Kerri!Thank you so much for the great give away!

Анюта said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I linked your candy in my sidebar and now I am your follower.

Jessica G. said...

Happy Blogoversary and what awesome candy to celebrate the occasion!

Unknown said...

Hi Kerry! Happy blogaversary! Your work is absolutely stunning, I already followed you in google reader but am now a visible follower. Have put your candy pic on my blog too. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed! Hugs, Rowena

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Erica said...

The candy looks awesome! Your creations are amazing! Thanks for being so generous!

Julie said...

Can't pass up a chance to win some scrap goodies! Congrats on the blogiversary!

M E Z said...

Congrants for the blogiversary!.
Wow. that awesome

M E Z said...

Forgot. this is my blog.

Julye said...

Love your blog and all your ideas. Thanks and congrats!!

Porfusha said...

Хочеться выйграть такую классную конфетку!

The Art Town said...

hi there, Happy Blogoversary!

i've added you to my candy jar on the right side bar of my blog.

Basteltriene said...

Hi Kerry,
what a fab candy.
I became a follower and I linked your candy on my sidebar!


Alina Shvedova said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary!
Please find a link to your candy on my sidebar.

carlz said...

*****Crack open the bubbly!!!******

Happy Blogoversary Hunni! here's to many more to come!
Thanks so much for the chance to win some goodies (she says hyperventerlating papertrey!!!!!! hahhahaha)

Keep up the fab inspiration hun! hugs carlyann xxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win...and happy Blogoversary. I have done all of the requirements. I have become a follower, I have put the picture with a link to your blog and now leaving a message. You can find the link on my blog here...

Кукурузка said...

thank you so much for this chance to win blog candy

noga said...

happy birthday! enjoy your day!

kissindawind said...



shirly said...

Dear Kerri,

I love your blog.. can you add my link too?? I posted about the candy giveaway and put the picture on my blog, and I'm a follower!


Larisa said...

Hello Kerry! Happy blogaversary!
My link is on the right sidebar

Svetlik said...

Thanks for the chance to win...and happy Blogoversary. I have done all of the requirements. I have become a follower, I have put the picture with a link to your blog.

Simply Jessabells said...

Happy Anniversary. I'm a follower and I posted this on my blog! Hope I win.

gloflo said...

Happy Blogiversary, Kerri! I'm a follower of your blog.I posted a pic of your yummy candy on my blog, too! Thanks for the chance to win it!


Monika/Buzsy said...

Happy Blogaversary! Keep the great projects coming!

Ali Dantre said...

Hi ya Kerri! Happy Blogoversary sweetheart. Im yet to reach my 1st. It's so exciting. I just love blogland.
Your Candy is ever so yummy and I would like to thank you for the chance of being selected.
Congratulations and heres to many more for you!
PS I have become a follower and added your candy pic and linked back here.

Irinca said...

Happy blogaversary!

Country Mouse said...

Love your blog! Such wonderful inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win! I am now a follower. And have linked your blog and blog candy on my blog here:
Thanks again~

Anastasija said...

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary & thanks for the chance to win your fab candy.

I've become a follower & put a link & a pic to your candy on my sidebar.


Jan x

Mariyca said...

Happy Blogiversary, Kerri!
Your cards are gorgeous!

maiahs_momma said...

HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY :)! I became a follower, I posted about this giveaway and posted a picture too. Thanks for this chance to win some goodies :)! Here is my blog addy:

Inky Hugs,

Viji Siddharth said...

You have a beautiful talent! I saw your creations with the YNS stamp..simply gorgeous! I need to get some of those stamps!I linked the candy to my sidebar!
I am a follower!
Thanks for the Chance! Awesome Candy!

Rosa Forino said...

Well congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
saluti dall'italia public tomorrow the post on
Hugs, rosa

i am now follower

Ruthie said...

Happy blogversary! Its incredible how fast time flies! Thanks for the chance to win - esp the manga girl stamp! LOLX
PS all linked up and following!

Jennine Chambers said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! What a great accomplishment! and thanks for the great chance to win! I am now a follower and have posted this on my blog!

Colleen G said...

Happy blogversary!!! AND wow what an amazing blog candy!!! That is sooo sweet of you to share such amazing goodies! Hope next year is even greater! (glad I get to follow now)

Yana said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations & Happy Blogiversary!!!

I don't have a blog to put your picture or link on, but I do plan to follow your blog! I am so impressed with your creations (I wish you lived closer...I could use some lessons!)! I am also impressed with your generosity. :) What a lucky winner!

Have a wonderful birthday!

megline said...

Great candy. Happy blogaversary. Thanks for the chance to win. I have put a link in my blog and become a follower.
Hugs, Line

Denise said...

I have become a follower and linked on my blog at

If I knew how to put a picture on the side I sure would. Thanks for a chance! I have been surfing since the bella blog hop. I like what I see!

Denise Wells

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Hi Kerri!! Congrats on your blogoversary!! We started our blogs just about the same time. Too funny. I don't plan on offering candy until after Christmas though.

I so love your blog and all your creations!! I always enjoy stopping by here for a spell and being inspired. Thanks for being such a sweet blogging friend. I am already a followers. I am posting it on my sidebar to give others a shout out.


Donnas Den said...

Hi Kerri,

Congratulations on your blogoversary and hope you have a nice Birthday on the 20th.

Have followed all the instructions. Thanks so much for this great opportunity.


Jelenka said...

Happy Blogaversary!
Wonderful candy! Thanks for the cahnce to win.
Greetings from Estonia.

... said...

congratulation with first blogaversary. thanks for the ideas and this giveaway


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Great Candy, Great Blog, Happy Blogversary! Thanks for offering the candy to us! Best wishes for another great year!

Jacilynn said...

Hi Kerri,
Thanks so much for offering this great candy! Happy Blogaversary. I'm now a follower and have linked your candy!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is my first visit to your blog and, after looking around for awhile, I got so excited I have already copied the picture of your generous bloGIVErsary (love the play on the word). The photo and link will post Dec 8 on my blog.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm back with the blog link:

jude said...

Hiya,Congratulations on your blog anniversary heres to many more.I am afollower your blog is an inspiration to us all,have added piccy and link to your candy in my candy jar on rt side blog.
thanks for the chance to win all these scrummy goodies
hugs judex

Caroline said...

WOW Keri such a orgeous blog, congrats on all the hits, & I hope you have a very happy birthday on the 20th! Thnaks for the chance to win, Im a follower & have linked your candy on my blog which you can see here

Lenochek Neger said...

Ваши работы замечательны! - боковая панель

Olga Clemencia said...

Hi thanks for this candy anniversary. The blog is very great

Create With Joy said...

Dear Kerri,

What a wonderful blog you have, and what wonderful candy you are offering! I am now a follower, ahd I have linked your candy on my sidebar - you can visit my blog at:

Ramona :-)

Shairah Mohd said...

hye KERRI !

its my pleasure dear to join ur giveaway.

do visit my blog yeah.




Dianne said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! They sure are fun and it's great to meet new people.
Please enter me in you generous giveaway.

Happy Holidays!

Anna Morzhina said...

Очень хочется

Millemaus said...

Congrats on ur Blogaversary and on so many hits in one year. Please put me in the draw of that yummy candy of yours.

Greetings from Belrin-Germany

Tanya said...

WOW!!!! Congrats on your Blogaversary!!!!
Awesome candy Kerri!!!!!!
I really want to be the lucky winner. Thank you for the chance to win!Linked it on my sidebar. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

paperpapier said...

linked your blog in my candy bar and am following now.tx for the great candy offer.

Sherry said...

Congrats and thanks for the chance to win some candy...I love your blog and your cards are awesome.

Wendy K. said...

I'm a follower and have added your candy to my sidebar at

Helene said...

Happy blogiversary to you, and happy birthday in advance^^
Thanks for the opportunity to win this, it's really great.


shortyrose said...

Hi Kerri,

your blog is wonderful!!!
I'm now a follower. I linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.

Greetings from Germany

Moni said...

Waw so wonderful candy, so love to win it! I dont have anything what are you offering,so need it!
I am your follower and liked pic of your candy on my sidebar! Hugs,Moni

Anonymous said...

candy! yami-yami

handmadecreativity said...

Hi, I'm new from Italy...I love your blog candy!
Visit my blog (I linked your post)
Bye bye, taced

Andrea M said...

Happy 1 year blogiversary! Your blog is lovely. Thanks for the chance to win the candy :)

Admin T.H said...

happy blogversary, I blogged

banner side bar :)

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary!! What a great achievement! Thanks for offering the wonderful candy!!

Elena said...

Happy Blogiversary.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Merry Christmas!!

Pattie G said...

Kerri, congrats on your blogiversary! I would love to win this candy so I am a follower and I posted your candy and a link to your site on my blogspot.


Mary said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Your artwork is adorable so I happily became a follower :) and I posted the photo and a link to your blog on mine:

Would love to win - that's a great package there!

Zetti said...

Thanks for the chance!
I´m now a follower and I linked you in my sidebar.
Zetti :-)

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Happy Blogaversary Kerri, your Blog is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win this great price, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm a follower....


Unknown said...

Hi ..Great blogaversary!! I try to win and thanks for chance I've linked you on my blog And I'm a follower.. see you later
hugs from Italy


Kreativmonster said...

So generous of you to give away such a lovely candy! I linked it to my blog's sidebar.

crafterGM said...

What generous candy sure love sweets.
I have become a follower and I have it posted at the bottum of Blog
Thanks Gloria M.

Denise said...

Great reason to have blog candy for a great blog! And aHappy Birthday celebration. I have become a follower and have listed on my blog at

and linked it back to your blog. Thanks for such a great oppertunity!

Denise Wells

Denise said...

Oh dang it, I just went back and finally found where my first post went so now besides being there I am here just above if you want to delete or just know to only enter me once. Good thing is I did finally show as a follower today!

Denise Wells

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I posted your picture and link to this post on my blog.

Rhonda Miller said...

Great candy. Thanks for a chance to win. I'm a follwer and linked your candy in my sidebar.

Amy said...

Posted your pic and link in my sidebar!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

CandyScraps said...

Ooh, I'd love to win! :)


CandyScraps said...

I follow your blog. :)


AndreaM said...

Hi Kerri,
happy Blogiversary!
Thank you for offering such fantastic candy and the chance to win!


Stampin Shari said...

love your blog and the candy lol! I have posted the link and picture on my blog...but it won't let me follow you? i'll try back later. Happy blogaversery lol!

Tracey said...

Happy Bloganniversery!!! I am fairly new to blogging..just over a! I can't believe the kind and supportive crafters that I have found! generous of you to have such a wonderful blog candy give-a-way :) Thanks for a chance to win, I have posted your pic and linked back to your blog here.

Steph said...

Your cards are soooo cute - just been browsing - fab colouring hun. Congratulations on your blogoversary. keep up the great work. x

Annette said...

Happy Blogaversary what a wonderful site full of information, I love it!! I would also love to win this wonderful gift :-)


rinat said...

Fabulous candy thanks for the chance to win all these lovely goodies. , I have added your candy to my sidebar with a link back to you. I have become a follower.

li-bee-ti said...

Congrats on your blogiversary and happy birthay (in a few days.. )!
I've become a follower and linked your candy on my sidebar.
thanks for the chance to win such a generous candy!

Maestra Laura said...

Partecipo anch'io!!!!bellissimo candy! happy birthday!!


PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Kerri,
Happy Blogiversary and Happy Birthday for the 20th.
Thank you for offering this amazing candy.
Clare x

Unknown said...

Hey :-)

I'm now a new follower, lucky me!
Wishing you a very happy (20!!) birthday :-)

Thanks for the great candy!

have a great B-day.
and a happy Blog Anniversery :-)

P.S - Sorry, but I don't own a blog (yet..) so I couldn't post a link...

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Happy Birthday Kerri!! and Happy Blogiversary!!

I'm a follower and I've posted your yummy candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Happy Holidays!
Come visit my blog at:

Margot said...

Yummy candy! Thanks for the chance to win :) I've put your link on my sidebar and I've become your follower.
Visit my blog, please:

Raven B said...

Super cute candy. You are all linked up.

Dolav said...

Happy Blogiversary!!
This is a great candy - thanks for the chance to win it.
I'm now a follower but I don't know how to post a pic. on the side of my blog so I post it here:

I like your cards & even took some ideas form you :-)

Have a great day

SallyB. said...

dear Kerri, a wonderful candy, I linked here

Lovely Linda said...

Hi Kerri - congratualtions on your blogaversary!! Welldone! Thanks for the opportunity to won this YUMBLY Candy - I am now a follower and am off to link you to my Blog:
and would love you to visit sometime! Thanks again Terri! GOd bless you!

FarHai said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I've put your link on my sidebar and I've become your follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on ur blog anniversary. I am now a follower and have linked ur candy to my blog.

nannala said...

Congrats on the Blogiversary :)
I've put link on my sidebar and have my fingers crossed :)

Terrie said...

What an awesome blog !! Someday I hope to have as many visitors as you :) Happy Blogiversary !!!

Nataša said...

Happy Blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I've became your follower and put your candy picture with the link in my sidebar .
hugs, Natasa

Rosalee said...

Hey there Kerri. First Of All I want to wish you a early Happy Birthday and also a Happy Blogaversary.
I added a link to the sidebar on my blog and I am now a happy follower. Thank you so much for the chance.
XXX Rosalee

Eve said...

Happy Blogaversary!! You have yummy candy for the Christmas too! Thanks for the chance. Happy Blogaversary again, Merry Christmas & A Blessed New Year!

- eve

Keeen said...

Hi from germany,
Thanks for the change to win this beatiful candy!!!

Unknown said...

Kerry, happy blogaversary;) thanks for posting such wonderful crafty treats.

I have posted your pic on my blog here..

Banu said...

Congrats Kerri. :D I have put a link and photo on my blog.

Gloria Dojlido said...

Happy Blog-Aversary! What generous blog candy! I am a follower already of course...I posted your candy and link in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance!


Nancy L. said...

Happy Blogaversary! I'm live in Florida, too! Glad I found your blog! Your creations are amazing! I don't have a blog.

Donna said...

Happy Blog-aversary! Wow what a blog candy to go with it as well, so generous... I have added you yo my blog, merry christmas!

Good Luck All

Donna xx

Lori said...

Happy Blogoversary Kerri!!! Just found your blog today :D I've become your follower, etc... Come visit me sometime! Here I've got some candy to giveaway also!

Merry Christmas!!!

Love and hugs ~ Lori

Unknown said...

Wow, great candy. I'm linking it in my sidebar. Thanks for a chance.

Christine said...

You are very generous with all this blog candy! Thanks so much for the chance!


Karina said...

Wow, what great candy! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful prize. Of course I hope now to win... who not :o). I linked you on my blog with picture and am a follower now.
Perhaps you like to join my blog candy as well?

Love from Switzerland

Lourdes said...

Hi Kerri...Congratulations for your first year!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to win this FANTASTIC candy!.... I hope to be the lucky winner and let me tell you YOUR CREATIONS ARE AMAZING!

I'm a follower and your link is in my candy jar and also I put a link with a pic...

Hugs from Spain


Stampin' with Jessica said...

Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!! I linked you in my sidebar and I am now a follower too.

jeanna said...

Congratulations to you Keri! :)

I already followed your blog and I already put your candy on my blog.. Thanks for the chance of winning! :) More power to you!

izue said...

Hi Kerri,
congrats on your blogiversary!!
I have done my steps to win, now, just sit and relax and wishing that you will pick me as a winner. =)


Creativika said...

What a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I linked it on the sidebar of my blog, including the photo of all these goodies.

Best wishes!

Maria said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I posted your picture and link to this post on my blog.
Thanks for the chance

Tracey said...

Awesome candy! Happy blogaversary and happy birthday too!! I have linked you up on my blog and am a follower too! Thanks for the chance to win!! :)

Penny Light/Light Whimsy said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Your artwork is wonderful so I am now a happy follower :) and I posted the photo and a link to your blog on mine:

Would love to win this terrific package.

sandra's crafty corner said...

hiya hun, what fab candy and congrats on your blogoversary lol,it flies by so quickly doesnt it,
ive done all your requirements so count me in lol,
here is my blog
thanks for the chance to win
sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

What a fab candy!
Become a follower and linked you in my blog (you can see it here

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Mina said...

:Happy blogaversary to you' ok will stop singing now...yummy candy thanks for the chance to win, i have posted a link with the photo in my sidebar
Mina xxx

Lisa said...

Happy blogaversary and birthday Kerri!
Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy :)

ziesya zulkifli said...

i just found your blog..
i hope it was not too late..
and..happy warming birthday to you!

Brenda said...

I just found your blog and your creations are beautiful! I am now a follower and congrats on your blogiversay and Happy Birthday!

I am a follower and linked to your blog.

Jessica G. said...

Happy blogaversary! Awesome blog candy and well worth passing along the word!!

Эmilkina said...
that's sooooo gorgeous ! I'm here sitting hoping with my fingers crossed
I linked you on my blog,
thanks for the chance to win and i'm a follower....

Liz Corrigan said...

Hi Kerri, Happy Blogiversary. What a wonderful candy you have waiting to be won. Rosie x

Ameis said...


wow whot a nice Candy. I have link it on my Sidebar (Picture + link to your Blog)

Thx for the Cance to win.


fusiafscrapping said...

Happy Blogiversary
Wonderful candy.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
BTW I love your blog


Karin said...

Hi, i have posted your link on my Blog in the sidebar,I`m a follower und I hope ......I`m the winner :0)


Malwina said...

wow! wonderful candy!Thanks for the chance to win!I am a follower. link in my sidebar!

Maureen said...

That looks a lovely stash of candy. I would love to be a winner. I am now a follower and will link you to my sidebar.
Have a happy Birthday on the 20th.

KarenB said...

Happy blogiversary!! 20th December is my daughter's birthday too... she's turning 9. So I'm entering for her because she's fast becoming a stamp-oholic!! Tables could be turned and I could be borrowing hers for once, LOL!! Thanks for the chance. I've linked you up and I've become a follower.

domire said...

Congrats on the Blogiversary! I posted about it and I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1 year blogoversary! I have linked you on the sidebar of my blog

Gloria Westerman said...

Congratulation on your blog annv. I have become a follower and will post on my blog. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy.

Nikki said...

Happy Blogoversary
Thanks for a chance to win all these sweet goodies I've added a link in my sidebar
hugs Nikki

Gosia said...

Hi Kerri!
Happy Blogiversary!'m your follower.
Thanks for the candy.I added a lnk on my sidebar:
Greetings from Poland

Tkat said...

hi kerri...what a great candy!!! and congrats on the blog-aversary!!!! :) i've just discovered your blog, but i'm a follower now, so i'll be coming back :) great milestone...and thanks for the chance at this candy!!! have a merry christmas...and happy birthday!!!

kisieltruskawkowy said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm your follower and I added link on sidebar of my blog. Thanks for the chance to win :)

Olenkaja said...

Happy Blogaversary! I just love your cards!!! Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies!

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