Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Tags!

Hello!  I know we are all busy with our Christmas preparations, but I wanted to share a few tags that I made using my PTI Holiday Button Bits set :)

I'm off to bake cookies for a cookie exchange tonight : )  Thank you so much for stopping by and if you have any questions about these tags just leave me a comment! 



JAN said...

wow your tags are so wonderful they would look fabulous in a xmas mini album and on pressies of course, beautiful indeed

Sparkplug17 said...

These are so darling!

Jacqueline (Sjakkie) said...

Your tags are wonderful, super!
I wish you and your family merry Christmas.
Hugs Jacqueline

Tracey said...

These tags are fabulous! I love them! Merry Christmas!

FarHai said...

Your tags are wonderful!

Leah l'Orange said...

oh, the little button guys are TOO stinkin' cute! i LOVE them!

cabio's craft corner said...

Oh Kerri, these are super cute tags. Love each single one of them!!!

Cindy Groh said...

They are all very cute but my fave is the ornaments:)

SallyB. said...

it´so so sweets, thanks for this ideas

Elena said...

They are so cute, Kerri! I really love this set from PTI! Thos buttons are just so darling!
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!

Cheryl said...

Well now, if those aren't the CUTEST buttons!!! They're all pretty fabulous Kerri, and I'm really loving your buttons!

Hope you had fun at your cookie exchange, I've haven't been to one in a few year, and I miss it!

Merry Christmas : )

Michelle said...

I DO have a question!! - what is that other paper...the one with the snowflakes? I recognize all the others...but not the one that's on the last and the 3rd. I'm so glad you made these - and used that button set!! -- I didn't use mine at all and feel guilty. These are going to look fantastic on your Christmas packages!

Amy said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous!

Crystal said...

Oh my Kerri these are AWESOME!!!! I LOVE everyone of these darling tags!!!! SUPER CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Sweetie!!! hugs!

Do What You Love said...

Kerri, these are just darling; very creative using the buttons - just fab! ;D

Shaz said...

Great tags Kerri! those button steal the show...

Becca said...

Kerri, these are awesome! I definitely want to try some of these next year. I love the embossing on the edges. Such a perfect little touch. I hope the cookie exchange was wonderful. And that you have a very Merry Christmas!

Lisa said...

These tags are so cute! Love how you used the buttons!

Stacy Morgan said...

Fabulous tags... how you used the buttons is so cool. I have the hardest time with buttons... Very very fun tags!

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